R Collard

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Case Studies / VIVID Waste Management Contract

VIVID Waste Management Contract

VIVID which is regulated by the Homes & Communities Agency is a provider of homes and services to around 70,000 customers in Hampshire and parts of Surrey.

In 2022, Collard Environmental secured a 36 month contract worth an estimated £1.75m to deliver a fully managed and cost-effective waste treatment, disposal and collection service to VIVID. We are committed to working in conjunction with VIVID to achieve its commitment to becoming more sustainable throughout its portfolio.

Collard Environmental work with VIVID to provide a refreshed and refocused approach to waste and ensure sustainability is maximised throughout the Contract. This includes fully integrating the waste hierarchy into the service provision.

Over the duration of this contract, we anticipate to process over 4,500 tonnes of waste for VIVID.

Summary of the Scope of Works:

Actively assist to help minimise the production of waste
Work with VIVID to promote high quality segregation at source, therefore maximising the volume and quality of material presented for reuse and recycling
Maximise reuse, recycling and recovery opportunities within their operation, ensuring that the minimum amount of waste is ultimately disposed of
In the disposal of any non-recyclable waste, ensure that a minimum amount of waste is sent to landfill and that the environmental/human impact of any chosen route is minimised as far as possible
In ensuring a minimum amount of non-recyclable waste is sent to landfill, during the Contract Term it is expected that a Zero to landfill target of all materials will be pursued.

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