R Collard

Other Relevant Case Studies

R Collard Divider
Case Studies / Fairway Avenue, Greenford

Fairway Avenue, Greenford

This was a ground remediation project to remove hazardous soils from site to a specialist tip where in some areas down to a depth of 2.5m.

It required the transport and removal of up to 40 loads a day of material off site.

In tandem with the muck away operations we were required to import suitable material in order to re-establish the site back to the correct level. Utilising our in house substantial vehicle fleet, we were able to minimise vehicle movements to site.

Throughout the process, Amiante STR, our specialist in house hazardous waste management business maintained a watching brief, to further enhance best  working practices and statutory compliance were of the highest possible standards.

A further element to the project throughout the excavation process entailed the breakup and crushing of concrete obstructions found. This material was re used on site further minimising vehicle movements

Summary of the Scope of Works:

Excavation and safe disposal of contaminated soil
Import of suitable fill
Exposing concrete obstructions
Crushing concrete material and provide a working platform for future works

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